Presentations and posters from the last CIPAC Symposium in Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2024
Detecting and quantifying foreign substances in plant protection products by GC-MS: Lessons learned from four roundsof proficiency testing
Christoph Czerwenka - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Vienna, AustriaWhat are the keys to effectively combating illiga and counterfeit pesticides?
Pierre Hucorne, Juan Antonio Fernandez Pierna, Giles Rousseau, Sébastian Fourmanoir, Vincent Baeten & Olivier Pigeon - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Knowledge and valorization of agricultural products Department,Protection, control products and residues Unit, Rue du Bordia 11, B-5030 Gembloux, BelgiumA simple, fast and accurate method by by GC-μECD to determine the relevant impurity carbon tetrachloride in captantechnical materials and formulationsA simple, fast and accurate method by by GC-μECD to determine the relevant impurity carbon tetrachloride in captantechnical materials and formulations
Bernard de Ryckel, Laurent Laduron& Olivier Pigeon - WalloonAgricultural ResearchCentre (CRA-W), Knowledgeand valorization of agricultural products Department,Protection, control products and residues Unit, Rue du Bordia 11, B-5030 Gembloux, Belgium