Errata in handbooks

All CIPAC handbooks

It should be noted that the year of publication of the handbooks is the year given on the title page. Due to an accidental slip, the years on the title pages of handbooks F and L on the CD-ROM are incorrect.

The correct years are:

     Published according print
Dodine 101 Page 1803
3rd sentence: change "RE 43.4" to "RE 43.2"
Cartap Hydrochloride 387

Page 27
Change the sentence: "(c) Determination. Pipette into a volumetric flask (50 ml) 2 ml……. maintained at 25 ± 1° C" to: "(c) Determination. Pipette into a volumetric flask (50 ml) 2 ml of this solution and add methanol (2 ml). Add DTNB solution (2 ml), mix, and make up to volume with buffer solution maintained at 25 ± 1° C."

Phosalone 109

Page 141
Change the CA chemical name of Phosalone from S-[6-chloro-2-oxo-3(2H)-benzoxazolyl)-methyl] O,O-phosphorodithioate to S-[(6-chloro-2-oxo-3(2H)-benzoxazolyl)methyl] O,O-diethyl phosphorodithioate.

Thiobencarb 388 Pages 159 - 161
Change the code for thiobencarb from 338 to 388.


Maneb 61

Page 116
At "2.1 CS2 evolution." delete reference to: "CIPAC D, p 179." At "2.4 Identification of amines." delete reference to: "CIPAC P 81, p 370."

Maneb 61

Page 119
At "4.Manganese." change reference to: "CIPAC 1A, p 1288" to: "CIPAC H, p 195."

Phosphamidon 110

Page 180
Change the sentence: " Mobile phase buffer solution-wateracetonitrile-water, 170 + 170+ 135 + 25" to: "Mobile phase buffer solution-water-acetonitrile-methanol, 170 + 170+ 135 + 25" 

Triadimenol 398

Page 224
Change the structural formula given to:





MT 3 - Specific gravity...

Page 20
Under Note7, change: "Apparent density = Apparent SG × 0.99715× cm –3" to: "Apparent density = Apparent SG × 0.99700× cm –3"

MT 18.5 - Standard waters

 Page 67  

wrong: Handbook H page 302: "simplyfied methods of preparing stock solutions"

correct: Handbook F page 67: "Units of measurement for the hardness of water and their conversion"

MT 22.1 - Viscosity

Page 75
Dynamic viscosity
...It is expressed in Pascal second (Pa s) or in milli Pascal second (mPa s).

Kinematic viscosity
... It is expressed in square metre per second (m²/s) or in square millimetre per second (mm²/s).

MT 22.1 - Viscosity

Page 76
The units for the viscosity range and the viscosity minimum in table 1 should be read as mm²/s.

MT 22.1 - Viscosity

Page 81
The unit for the order of viscosity in table II should be read as mm²/s.

(vii) Calculation
The unit for the kinematic viscosity = mm²/s.

MT 22.1 / 22.3 - Viscosity

Page 84
Note 5: ....shall be accepted as 1.0020 mPa s and 1.0038 mm²/s, respectively.

MT 41 - Dilution staiility

Page 131 ff
You find the revision of the method in Handbook O (MT 41.1)

MT 58 - Dust concent...

Page 173
Add above APPARATUS (18th line) the section heading: "58.3 Sieve analysis"

MT 58 - Dust concent...

Page 175
Change section heading "58.3 Apparent Density…..etc" to: "58.4 Apparent Density…..etc"

MT 162 - Determination of
ethylenthiourea (ETU)

Page 399
Change the structural formula given to:


MT 165 - Ultraviolet absorption test
for evaluation...

Page 412
Change the sentence: "(a) Zineb, mancozeb, and mixtures of maneb with water soluble……..0.05 units (see Fig 51 a)." to: "(a) Zineb, mancozeb, and mixtures of maneb with water soluble……..0.05 units (see Fig 51 b)." and the sentence: "(b) Maneb, and mixtures of maneb……..of 0.1 to 0.7 units (see Fig 51 b)." to:"(b) Maneb, and mixtures of maneb……….0.5 units (see Fig 51 a)."

MT 165 - Ultraviolet absorption test
for evaluation...

Page 413
Change the caption of Figure 51a "Ultraviolet spectrum of zineb, mancozeb or mixtures of maneb with water-soluble zinc salts" to: "Ultraviolet spectrum of maneb with zineb, or mixtures of maneb with water-insoluble zinc salts"

MT 165 - Ultraviolet absorption test
for evaluation...

Page 413
Change the caption of Figure 51b "Ultraviolet spectrum of maneb with zineb, or mixtures of maneb with water-insoluble zinc salts" to: "Ultraviolet spectrum of zineb, mancozeb or mixtures of maneb with water-soluble zinc salts"

MT 169 - Tap density of...

Page 421
Change the formula "m = n * D *20 g" to: "m = n *D *20 ml"

MT 170 - Dry Sieve Analysis of Water Dispersible Granules

Page 423 and CD-ROM Handbooks E to P
Wrong: The particle size distribution of the water dispersible granules is specified by the range [x1, x2] of two sieves where Rx ≥ 90% and Rx  10% (Note 2)

Correct: The particle size distribution of the water dispersible granules is specified by the range [x1, x2] of two sieves where Rx ≥ 90% and Rx   10% (Note 2)

Page 424 and CD-ROM Handbooks E to P
Wrong: The calculation must be done for each sieve x. The range [x1, x2] of the two sieves where Rx ≥ 90% and Rx  10% has to be estimated.

Correct: The calculation must be done for each sieve x. The range [x1, x2] of the two sieves where Rx ≥ 90% and Rx   10% has to be estimated.

Page 424 and CD-ROM Handbooks E to P
Wrong: range:  x1 = 75 μm where Rx ≥ 90%
                            x2 = 500 μm where Rx 10%

Correct: range:  x1 = 75 μm where Rx ≥ 90%
                             x2 = 500 μm where Rx 10%

MT 171 - Dustiness of granular products






Page 428 and CD-ROM Handbooks E to M
Assessment of Dustiness: The corrected values are given below.

Category Gravimetric collected dust [mg] Optical dust factor Interpretation
1 0-12 0-10 nearly dust-free
2 12-30 10-25

essentially non dusty

3 >30 >25 dusty
MT 171 - Dustiness of granular products

Page 425 ff
The proposals to make changes in the method for the determination of the dustiness of granular products MT 171 (CIPAC/5003) were accepted with the proposal to include the reason of the revision.

The revision of the method (MT 171.1), see CIPAC Handbook P

MT 172 - Flowability of WG...

Page 430
You find the revision of the method in Handbook O (MT 172.1)

Appendix C Page 462
Change "DP Dispersible powder" to: "DP Dustable powder"




Page 16
The retention order of the peaks in the published method is not correct.
The correct order is:

- alpha-cypermethrin cis I approx. 27 min
- alpha-cypermethrin cis II : approx. 29 min

Chlorsulfuron 391

Page 93
Under Calibration solutions. Change the sentence: "Weigh (to the nearest 0.1 mg) ……chlorsulfuron." to: "Weigh (to the nearest 0.1 mg) into a volumetric flask (100 ml) 100 mg chlorsulfuron standard (s mg)."

Imidacloprid 582

Page 186
Under 2.3 1H-NMR, change "0.02 ± 0.02 g imidacloprid" to: "2 ± 0.02 g imidacloprid"

Methomyl 264

Page 201


Retention times   

  • methomyl:   about 5.7 min
  • benzamide: about 7.8 min


Retention times 

  • benzamide:  about 5.7 min
  • methomyl:   about 7.8 min
Propazine 92

Page 233
Under Internal standard solution, change: "14.0 ± 0.1 g" to: "4.0 ± 0.1 g"

Sulfotep 198

Page 256
Under OUTLINE OF MEHOD, delete: "C-18".

Tebuconazole 494

Page 261

wrong: Chemical Name: (R,S)-1-(4-Chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazole-ylmethyl)pentan-1-ol (IUPAC)
correct: Chemical Name: (R,S)-1-(4-Chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazole-ylmethyl)pentan-3-ol (IUPAC)

Page 265
wrong: Retention times dioctyl phthalate: about 35 min
correct: Retention times dicyclohexyl phthalate: about 3.5 min

MT 18.6 Standard waters

Page 302

wrong: MT 18.5 Simplified method of preparing stock solutions

correct: MT 18.6 Simplified method of preparing stock solutions




Pyridaben 583

Page 95
Under Internal standard solution, change "…laurophenone (about 300 mg)." to: "…laurophenone (about 3000 mg)."

MT 75.3 - Determination of
pH values

Page 131
(i): Line 7: Change the last two phrases as follow:
... Immerse the electrode into the liquid and immediately start the stopwatch (Note 7). Record the pH values after 1 and 2 minutes, without stirring during the measurement. If the two pH values differ by more than 0.1 pH units, record and report the pH value 10 minutes after immersing the electrode.

Page 132
Note 7: When using an automatic pH meter, where the measurement stops automatically as soon as the pH changes are less than a pre-set drift value of 0.1 pH units/min, a measurement period of less than 10 min is acceptable and the resulting pH value should be reported.

MT 148.1 - Pourability of Suspension Concentrates

Page 133:

wrong: Procedure: ...then finally invert the cylinder for 60 s (Note 2).

correct: Procedure: ...then finally invert the cylinder for 60 s.

And page 134:

wrong: Note 2 “The term "invert the cylinder" implies that the stoppered cylinder is turned by hand through 180 degrees and is brought back to the original position, the whole operation being completed in approximately 2 s.”

correct: Deletion of Note 2 (Note 2 was erroneously copied from MT 148, Handbook F Note 3 page 349,  in which it refers to the rinsing step).


Chlorothalonil 288

Page 14 (TC-formulation, identity tests)
(2.1)....solution. The UV spectrum of this peakt should.... --> This sentence is to delete.

Page 18 (WP-formulation)
(2.1) GLC. As for chlorothalonil technical ....

Page 20 (WG-formulation)
(2.1) GLC. As for chlorothalonil technical ....

Page20 (SC-formulation)
(2.1) GLC. As for chlorothalonil technical ....

Dicamba 85

Page 34:
(d) Determination. Inject in duplicate 10 ul portions of the ....

Icaridin 740

Page 66
wrong: Helium (carrier)       15 ml/min (100 kPa)
correct: Helium (carrier)       1.5 ml/min (100 kPa)

MT 178.2 - Attrition Resistance...

Page 140:
wrong: ... Inclyno test sieve vibrator No 1 .... See also MT 58.2 (Note 2.....
correct: ... Inclyno test sieve vibrator No 1 .... See also MT 58.3 (Note 2.....

Page 141: Note 2
wrong: .... are the same as in MT 58.2 (APPARATUS)
corret: .... are the same as in MT 58.3 (APPARATUS)

MT 187 - Particle size... Page 153:
The footnote should be read as ...Based on a method supplied by BASF AG, Germany.


Acetamiprid 649

Page 6

Wrong: Calibration solution.
Transfer by pipette 400 μl of this solution into a sample vial and add diluting solvent I  (10 ml).

Correct: Calibration solution.
Transfer by pipette 400 μl of this solution into a sample vial and add diluting solvent II (10 ml).

Deltamethrin 33









Page 52


Wrong: (d) Calculation:
Errata L wrong
Correct: (d) Calculation:
Errata L correct
Spinosad 636

Page 124

Wrong: PROCEDURE, Mobile phase, water - acetonitirle - acetic acid, 40 + 40 + 20

Correct: PROCEDURE, Mobile phase, methanol - acetonitirle - ammonium acetate solution, 40 + 40 + 20

MT 190 - Determination of release

Page 141
Wrong: Internal standard solution.
Weight into a volumetric flask dicyclohexyl phtalate (0.35mg), dissolve...

Correct: Internal standard solution. Weight into a volumetric flask dicyclohexyl phtalate (0.35g), dissolve...

Page 141:
Misunderstood: Internal standard solution. .
..dissolve in ethanol (50 ml) and make up to the mark with ethanol...

Correct: Internal standard solution.  Weight into a volumetric flask (100 ml) dicyclohexyl phtalate (0.35g), dissolve in ethanol (50 ml) and make up to the mark with ethanol.

MT 192 - Viscosity of liquids by
rotational viscometry

Page 145 - 146
The published method did not contain the required description of the sample preconditioning.

The amended method you find in CIPAC HB M

MT 193 - Friability of tablets Page 147 ff
You find the new method Attrition of tablet in Handbook O (MT 193) This method replace MT 193 Friability of tablets in HB L
Azoxystrobin 571\

Page 10

Wrong: Description White solid
Correct: Description Off-white to light brown or yellowish solid

Azoxystrobin 571 

Page 12

Wrong: Fused silica, 25 m × 0.32 mm (i.d.) coated with CP-Sil 13CB phase, film thickness 0.12 μm (crosslinked 14% phenyl 86% dimethyl poly-siloxane).
Correct: Fused silica, 25 m × 0.32 mm (i.d.) coated with CP-Sil 13CB phase, film thickness 0.2 μm (crosslinked 14% phenyl 86% dimethyl poly-siloxane)

Diquat 55

Page 69

Wrong: Mobile phase B. Add diethylamine (2 ml) to acetonitrile (1000 ml) in a suitable flask. Mix well and degas before use.
Correct: Mobile phase B. Add diethylamine (2 ml) to methanol (1000 ml) in a suitable flask. Mix well and degas before use

Pyraclostrobin 657

Page 172

Wrong: Mobile phase water - acetonitrile - acetic acid, 750 + 250 + 1 (v/v)
Correct: Mobile phase acetonitrile - water - acetic acid, 750 + 250 + 1 (v/v)

Remark: The definition of the mobile phase under "REAGENTS" on page 171 is correct.

Flufenoxuron 470 
Page 99 and 102 (footnote)

Wrong: CIPAC method 2007. Prepared by the German PAC (DAPA). Chairman: R Hänel. Based on a method supplied by Bayer CropScience, Germany.
CorrectCIPAC method 2007. Prepared by the German PAC (DAPA). Chairman: R Hänel. Based on a method supplied by BASF AGGermany.


Clothianidin 538

Page 18 (4 Suspensibility):

Wrong: (b) Determination clothianidin in the bottom 25 ml of suspension. After removal of the top 225 ml of suspension transfer the bottom, 25 ml quantitatively with Standard Water to a round-bottomed flask (250 ml). Evaporate to dryness at room temperature.

Correct: (b) Determination clothianidin in the bottom 25 ml of suspension. After removal of the top 225 ml of suspension transfer the bottom 25 ml quantitatively with distilled water to a round-bottomed flask (250 ml). Evaporate to dryness at room temperature.

Deltamethrin 333

Page 35 (Apparatus)

Wrong: ..... detector capable of measuring at 230 nm

Correct: ..... detector capable of measuring at 254 nm

Indoxacarb 612

Page 79 (Indoxacarb Suspension Concentrates

Wrong: Indoxacarb Suspension Concentrates.... 612/SC/M/-

Correct: Indoxacarb Oil Dispersions.....612/OD/M/-

Background see here

Appendix B

Page 170 (CIPAC Numbers; Alphabetical List)

Wrong: fenamiphos 693

Correct: fenamiphos 692



Cyazofamid 653

Page 33 (Procedure)

Wrong: Retention time about 23 min

Correct: Retention time about 17 min

Fluazinam  521

Page 73 (c) Sample preparation, line 3

Wrong: ...into a volumetric flask (2 ml)

Correct: ...into a volumetric flask (25 ml)

Flumioxazin 578

Page 77 (Structure):

Wrong:                                                                                Correct:                                

Flumioxazin wrong                            Flumioxazin correct

Flumioxazin 578

Page 80 (f) Calculation



Flumioxazin 578

Page 81 (missed method to determine the Suspensibility MT 184)

The method extension is published in CIPAC Handbook P

Permethrin 331

Page 97 (footnote)

Wrong: *CIPAC method 2007. Prepared by the Japanese PAC (JAPAC). Based on a method supplied by Sumitomo Chemical CO. Ltd. Japan.

Correct: *CIPAC method 2007. Based on a method supplied by Tagros Chemical India Ltd.

Piperponyl butoxide 33

The method is suitable for determining piperonyl butoxide in impregnated insecticidal net in the presence of deltamethrin or in incorporated insecticidal net in the presence of permethrin.

Trifloxystrobin 617

Page 163 (b) Equilibration of the system

Wrong: ....areas deviate by less than ± % from the mean for three succesive injections.

Correct: ....areas deviate by less than ± 1.0% from the mean for three succesive injections.

Trifloxystrobin 617

Page 165 (c) Sample preparation

Add the following sentence: For the quantification of these sample solutions, dilute the calibration solutions C1 and C2 by factor 10 (pipette 1 ml calibration solution into a volumetric flask (10 ml) and make up to the mark with acetonitrile).

MT 47.1
Persistent Foam

Page 177 (method number)

Wrong: MT 47.1

Correct: MT 47.3

MT 47.3

Page 177 SCOPE:

Add the following sentence: The method is applicable to sample concentrations  
0.1% w/v.

Page 178: Note

Add the following Note:
Note: Unless otherwise specified the test should be performed at the highest recommended use rates if within the scope of the method. For use rates below
0.1% w/v, it is recommended that the test be carried out at 0.1% w/v. If the test is performed at concentrations above 10% w/v, the initial volume of added standard water D in the cylinder (180 mL) must be reduced to 160 ml, then add the sample and finally fill up to 200 ml.

MT 179.1

Page 190

Wrong; (ii)   

... glass dish to the nearest 1mg (a mg).
... glass dish to the nearest 1 mg (b mg).

Correct; (ii)  .

... glass dish to the nearest 0.001 g (a g).
... glass dish to the nearest 0.001 g (b g).

Wrong: (iii)  

... glass dish to the nearest 1mg (a mg).
... glass dish to the nearest 1mg (b mg).

Correct; (iii) 

... glass dish to the nearest 0.001 g (a' g).
... glass dish to the nearest 0.001 g (b' g).

Correct; (iv)   


a and a'= weight of the glass dish (g)
b and b'= weight of the glass dish plus the dried residue (g)
w           = weight of the sample taken (g)

MT 198

Page 220

Wrong equation:  

   wrong formula Toluene

Correct equation: 

   correct formula Toluene

Cumulative Index

Page 302

Wrong: Thiomethoxam [636]

Correct: Thiamethoxam [637]

Chlorantraniliprole [794]

Page 39

Repeatability r      = 0.68 g/kg at 186.3 g/kg active ingredient content 
Reproducibility R = 1.00 g/kg at 186.3 g/kg active ingredient content

Repeatability r      = 0.68 g/kg at 51.5 g/kg active ingredient content 
Reproducibility R = 1.00 g/kg at 51.5 g/kg active ingredient content

Cyphenothrin [804]

Page 93

2. Identity tests: 2.2.  HPLC:
The method should read for the moment:  The 804/EW/M/2.2 is not established.

Mancozeb [34]

Page 136 amd 140

Wrong: Footnote: ... by Limnin Chemical Co.,

Correct: Footnote: ... by Limin Chemical Co.,

MT 30.6
Water Determination
by Karl Fischer Method

Page 225

(c) Determination:
Clarification of the table: Sample amounts shown in the table are indicative and can be modified
as appropriate. Depending on the apparatus, solvent - titrant system or sample and its
availability, lower amounts may be used.

Cumulative Index

Page 322

Wrong: Fenoxaprop-P [484]

Correct: Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl [484]


Cumulative Index

Page 337

Wrong: Thiophanate-methyl  [362], method

Correct: Thiophanate-methyl [262], method